Monday, September 10, 2012

For the love of Instagram

"'Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder"

I write this post as I sit staring at this army of ants attacking the morsel of food that fell on the floor after dinner wondering which filter would do justice to the little devils.

My affair with Instagram began almost ten months back at a time it was meant only for only for Apple loyalists. Frankly, I thought it was no good considering it would need images to be cropped to fit in a square and the filters were fairly limited. The effects on Picasa and Photoshop seemed far superior. The first photo I ever 'Instagramed' was a jar of Nutella. I gave up on Instagram for months after that. Little did I know it would go back to it..with so much love.

In April, 2012 Instagram made the app available to Android users as well. In short, Instagram was available to the masses for use and abuse. In June, 2012 my Nokia phone crashed beyond repair compelling me to switch to an Android phone. One of the first apps I downloaded was Instagram. Little did I know that with an uninterrupted internet connection, Instagram would single-handedly cause productivity to go down the drain. Armed with a 5 MP camera, I happened to click almost everything on the streets of the city ranging from vintage cars to fire hydrants, from animals to street lights. Interesting how things we tend to overlook in our everyday life have so much Instagram potential!

Last month I discovered the potential of hashtags on Instagram. One can use upto 30 tags to share your 1:1 aspect ratio picture with the world. The world then likes and comments on your pictures of random buildings, the sky ( often captioned with Pink Floyd songs and hashtagged : #skyporn, #cloudporn), animals and food etc. Now the problem with recognition and appreciation is that it is addictive. So you want to put up a picture everyday hoping to join that enviable club of people who get thousands of 'likes' on their photos and make it to the popular page. It's a distant dream though.

Believe it or not, I've actually started seeing the world in Hefe, Sutro, Valencia and X-pro. I think I'm in love...with Instagram. I digress.

Now where's the darned camera phone again?

1 comment:

  1. "'Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder" kill that someone who said so, complete lie! Beauty lies on the thing we are presenting, with many other factors,,Its unjust for ppl who came just watching across, unwanted burden to prove their eyes r beautiful!
