You don't stand before a mirror and wonder what the road will think of your outfit or listen to its jokes and pretend they're funny in order to run on it. It wouldn't be easier to run if you dressed sexier, the road doesn't notice if you're not wearing lipstick, doesn't care how old you are, you don't feel uncomfortable because you make more money than a road. You can call on a road whenever you feel like whether it's been a day or a couple of hours since your last date. The only thing a road cares about is that you pay it a visit once in a while.
-Nike ad:What Women Want
I happened to watch the Mel Gibson-Helen Hunt starrer last night. The theme of the movie was much done as the title suggests what women want, and for all practical purposes be it eye candy or entertainment, the movie didn't impress me much. The same old redundant and fantastic story of a man getting mind reading powers on being electrocuted in the shower and hearing what women want and eventually turning from a MCP to a more compassionate individual. Then ofcourse, he loses his powers on being electrocuted again, the same way our heroes regain their memory after getting hit by the same stick. What tremendously appealed to me in the movie was the above mentioned quote.
Contrary to what a lot of us may perceive it as, it's not to be construed only in the context of a man-woman relationship. No sir, it goes on to show how the dynamics and the struggles in the life of an individual.
Today morning when I put on a faded blue t-shirt, track pants and an utterly mismatched pair of red sneakers with a yellow rubber band adding to the melee of colours, and set foot in the park for my 2.5km walk, I realised how oblivious I could be to everything around me , everything except the Greenday song that played on my iPod which prompted me to run further. And it wasn't about running away from anything. It was just about moving ahead. And when I did take cognizance of the people around, I realised everyone was just the same. At that hour in the day, in a city like Bombay which is known to be the fashion capital of India, nobody had an ounce of make up or jewellery or matching clothes. Left me wondering as to why people (including me) can be so different in a matter of hours. Why must we dress to impress others?
They say clothes maketh a man but is that truly so? Are our clothes the testators of our character? If that were so, we would be changing with every new collection that hits the racks. Why must we be so conscious of the way we look when we step out in public? Why must we be commanded by those skinny girls who tell you to eat a particular brand of breakfast cereal to stay in shape?
Why must we pretend to be in control when we really aren't?
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